Conference on Personalised medicine: the evolution of healthcare to improve people's lives

Only the fields marked with a * are compulsory

Only register for onsite participation. You will be able to follow the event streamed online through the event website.

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. If you have any questions, please contact
Name *
Last name *
National Identification Number *
Email *
Confirm email *
Nationality *
City of Residence *
Institution/Company *
Job position
Acronym of the project(s)
Specify profile
In which days you will be present in the conference? *
Are you planning to attend the social event/dinner on the evening of the 4th October *
Dietary preferences
Only for invited speakers
I will participate as a speaker
Privacy Policy and data protection
I have read and accept the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, as well as, the Information on data protection of FECYT *
I accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. *
The form has been submitted sucessfully
Payment correctly processed.
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